New Features and Bug Fixes Ep. 1
Hey everyone, here is a list of the latest updates and improvements we’ve made.
A couple of simple yet important visual upgrades and different element behaviors \ usability fixes. In addition, we would like to highlight new features that appeared on the platform since the last Traktrain relaunch 2nd anniversary .
New Features Available:
Profile Pages Redesign
We wanted to make the profiles & catalogs more modern by aesthetically balancing out the instrumentals on the page, having a banner image at the top, and adding a filter for clients to easily view kits, certain genres, prices, & tempos.
Widget / Landing Page Update
You can now change the background on your TRAKTRAIN Landing Page to a picture/gif animation. Also, the Widget now supports Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. Added more colors & design customization possibilities for the music player;
New PDF Contracts
Now each client will get a contract in PDF format after purchase. We’ve reset the terms to our default version since it was impossible to translate the old terms format into the new one. Please go to traktrain.com/profile/terms and edit it manually to fit your business needs;
New “Follow for free download” option
Now you can activate and customize this feature in the Track Edit page to capture downloaders email addresses or ask them to follow you on Twitter or Traktrain;
Bottom player on the mobile version
Added bottom player for the mobile version so you can navigate on the website while listening to beats;
Track sharing
Now you can share any track in FB / TW or just copy links. Also added more options: genres / BPM and actions including a profile menu header update (desktop + mobile versions);
New “No results” placeholder
Upgraded “No results” placeholders illustrations and layouts on Search, Wishlist/Favorites, My Tracks pages;
New “Empty Cart” placeholder
New illustration and layout for Empty cart placeholder on the Cart page.
New Membership Success Purchase page
New illustration and layout for the Membership Success Purchase page
New “This feature available only for producers” page
New “This feature available only for producers” illustration and layout page.
Bug Fixes Log:
- Fixed global file uploading issue for all devices and browsers;
- Fixed and improved Stats visibility and stability on all devices and browsers;
- Fixed Widget settings page behavior when music is playing;
- Fixed arrow’s color in Landing page settings;
- Fixed Share track page email’s placeholder text;
- Fixed Play/Pause button behavior in Widget player;
- Fixed Cart icon behavior on the Home page for all browsers;
- Fixed Search result page visibility on Mobile devices;
- Fixed Tracks listing behavior on My Tracks page when there are over 51 tracks;
- Fixed Play Icons behaviors on the My Tracks page when music is playing;
- Fixed “Contact” and “Unfollow” buttons behavior on the Following page for IE 10, IE 11 browsers;
- Fixed text on 404 pages;
- Fixed Contract Preview behavior when only Exclusive license type is available for the beat;
- Fixed “Log Into Your Profile” linking in the Reset Password mailing;
- Fixed the Profile Page pop-ups behavior when music is playing;
- Removed scroll-bar on the Cancel Membership pop-up window;
- Fixed the Lease Terms pop-up window buttons margin;
- Fixed the Stations tabs listing behavior on the Main Page;
- Added Apply button on the Profile Page filters on Mobiles devices;
- Fixed functional behavior in the Stats page when music is playing;
- Fixed beats schedule behavior after Membership is canceled;
- Fixed default prices behavior on the Edit Track page;
- Removed Lease Terms contract preview link from the Kit purchase pop-up window;
- Fixed Default Price input possibilities;
- Fixed Widget settings page behavior when Track is uploaded in Private mode;
- Fixed Producer name section lace layout;
- Fixed Traktrain URL prefix visibility on the Personal Info Settings page when logged in as a producer;
- Fixed Play/Pause button behavior for Safari browser;
- Page loading speed improved for Traktrain Shop;
- Added beat covers lazy loading to improve loading speed on beat listing pages;
- Fixed clickable empty space near producer’s names on the Featured Instrumentals page;
- Fixed dropdowns for the Customize menu on the Landing Page;
- Fixed Blur customization behavior on the Landing Page;
- Fixed Share pop-up elements behavior;
- Fixed links behavior for the Profile and Management menus;
- Fixed Scheduled Track behavior on Widget settings page;
- Fixed Cart window visibility when logged in as a producer;
- Fixed Date range arrow icon visibility on the Profile Stats page;
- Fixed tags visibility for all beats listing pages;
- Fixed Preview Contract behavior when only Exclusive beat is uploaded;
- Fixed Search field “zoom-in” behavior on iOS;
- Fixed Sidebar behavior on Upload Track page;
- Added red stars for required fields on the Register page;
- Fixed follow button behavior when the producer is followed through the “Free Download” feature;
- Fixed default track image (now it repeats profile avatar image);
- Fixed dark mode issue for Twitter windows on the main page;
- Fixed “Enhance your beat store” header visibility on the Widget Landing page;
- Fixed “Get Widget” button behavior on the Widget Setting page when logged in as a Customer;
- Fixed paid membership plan cancellation behavior when made through PayPal;
- Increased overall website performance and stability;
- Fixed Edit Profile / Upload Track Buttons visibility on small screen devices;
- Fixed More button behavior on the My Tracks page;
- Fixed Lease Terms pop-up window margin;
- Fixed the Wishlist icons visibility.
Thank you for your support. Stay tuned for new updates and releases.
Best regards, TRAKTRAIN Team.