How to Create Promotional Offers
Hey everyone, did you know that you can create special Promotional Offers on TRAKTRAIN like 2 beats for 1 price? Check out this short guide on how to do that through the platform.
Let’s say that you need to create a “2 WAV Leasings for 1 WAV Leasing” offer.
Firstly, you need to go to this page while being logged in to your profile: https://traktrain.com/profile/#/discounts

Now set it up as you wish and hit CREATE:

After creating it will be shown in the My Discounts (on the same page as in the beginning) turned off – you now need to activate it in order to use it:

Now go to your profile and locate Promotional Offers:

Clicking on them will provide the information on the available offer(s):

From that moment anyone who will buy 2 WAV Leasings of yours will only need to pay the price you set up as a promotion offer. You can test it out from your end by adding 2 WAV Leasings of yours into the cart and going to the Cart page (as if you would like to buy it), where you can check out the Promotional offer in effect:
That’s it!
TRAKTRAIN Team wishes you great success with your business!