misc.inc shows you 5 of his most essential plugins for lofi hip hop, ranging from synthesizers to bitcrushers. 1. Decimort 2 One of my favourite plugins for bit reduction. In lofi hip hop especially, it’s all about finding the right place between old and new. Decimort 2 offers a great spectrum of options for high…
Stretch Audiofiles to eternity: Paul Stretch
Read moreIn this blogpost, I’m going to give you a quick overview on a cool freeware audio program. Paul Nasca is the head behind the best algorithm for seemless warping out there. Endless audio stretching This program let’s you created huge textures and ambience without losing the pitch of your sample. Beyond the stretch mode ,…
5 Mixing tips for LoFi Hip Hop
Read moreMixing is one of the most challenging tasks in the life of a producer. Misc Inc shows you 5 mixing tips on how to achieve a cleaner and louder mix. 1. Panning is your friend Panning several Instruments to the left and right of your stereo field, can help clean up your mix. Especially instruments…