Hey everyone, here is a list of the latest updates and improvements we have made. TRAKTRAIN Music is now available for streaming across the platform with updated listings. We have also fixed recent music sharing & publishing issues in this update. New Features Available: TRAKTRAIN Music From now on Music is available for streaming across…
TRAKTRAIN for Artists
Read moreHey everyone, here is a list of the latest updates and improvements we have made. TRAKTRAIN is now available for uploading & streaming music for artists / musicians. We have also fixed a couple of UX elements on the Cart page. New Features Available: TRAKTRAIN for Artists TRAKTRAIN is now available for uploading & streaming…
YEAT Beat Battle — Final
Read moreHey everyone, we are glad to announce the winner(s) of the YEAT Beat Battle
Winner YEAT Type Beat (2 months of FREE paid membership + TRAKTRAIN Digital Exclusive Sample Pack): KingKy – Jackpot. (https://traktrain.com/kingky?t=929509).
Pre-Final Winners (TRAKTRAIN Digital Exclusive Sample Pack): SQUIRT – Heavy (https://traktrain.com/prodbysquirt?t=917888); nara – UNO (https://traktrain.com/nara?t=907501); Tommy Hydra – Metal Slug…
YEAT — Beat Battle Finalists — Let’s VOTE
Read moreHey everyone, here are the finalists YEAT Type Beats of our second Beat Battle!
We would like you to take part in this competition and make a choice — which one beat from the list is the best at your taste. Watch: https://youtu.be/WnAs5LbuPsk Listen: https://soundcloud.com/traktrain/traktrain-pulse-yeat-type-beat-mix-beat-battle-special VOTE: https://discord.com/channels/896434540774588427/896446336898056193/976116039597314118 The winner(s) will receive pleasant prizes from…
New Features and Bug Fixes Ep. 14
Read moreHey everyone, here is a list of the latest updates and improvements we have made. Purchase your TRAKTRAIN 100 PLAN or UNLIMITED PLAN subscription with Bitcoin & Doge. Wow! We have also fixed a couple of annoying moments in the website’s UI. Our development team is working hard all the time to present to you…
Messenger 2.0
Read moreHey everyone, we have updated the Messenger UX: added Black List feature, clicking on the CONTACT form now opens a new dialog window, press Enter to send a message, press Shift+Enter for a line break, check out other minor improvements below
We’ve also prepared a survey for you to help us get even better!…
$NOT Beat Battle — Final
Read moreDuring the event, our hosts Kana Beats & Tommy Hydra announce the $NOT Beat Battle winner(s) beat(s), giveaway prize(s), announce the next Beat Battle artist of the month, and answer the audience’s questions
Winner $NOT Type Beat (2 months of FREE paid membership + TRAKTRAIN Digital Exclusive Sample Pack): nointernetboss – For…
YEAT — Beat Battle
Read moreHey everyone, we are glad to announce the next Beat Battle!
This month’s artist type beat is… YEAT. To participate, tag your beat with the “yeat apr 22” tag-line on traktrain.com, don’t forget to apply changes
Check out the step-by-step guide on how to participate here: https://traktrain.com/blog/beat-battle-how-to-participate/ Stay tuned for new updates and…
New Features and Bug Fixes Ep. 13
Read moreHey everyone, here is a list of the latest updates and improvements we have made. Make separate payments for beats from different producers, and apply their local discount codes separately in one place (cart), select specific license types for price offering, receive a notification about the new potential customer email left after the free download.…
$NOT — Beat Battle Finalists — Let’s VOTE
Read moreHey everyone, here are the finalists $NOT Type Beats of our first Beat Battle!
We would like you to take part in this competition, and make a choice – which one beat from the list is the best at your taste. Watch: https://youtu.be/tMgAmHKdFJw Listen: https://soundcloud.com/traktrain/traktrain-pulse-not-type-beat-mix-beat-battle-special VOTE HERE: https://discord.com/channels/896434540774588427/896446336898056193/955531362654375936 The winner(s) will receive pleasant prizes…