Beat Battle — How To Participate
Hey everyone, we are glad to announce the start of the Beat Battle competitions! Each competition will take place for 1 month.
To participate, tag your beat with the “asap rocky nov 23” (example) tagline on traktrain.com, don’t forget to apply changes We will provide you with a certain tagline for each competition.
The most popular tagged beats will be selected and added to the poll for voting on our socials (Instagram / Twitter / Discord) in about a week. A shortlist of beats then will be selected & promoted through our promotions channels.
The winner(s) will be announced next month giving away tasty prizes We will also bring a new poll for next period artist type beat since we want to make the competition a regular event.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to participate:
Go to the PROFILE menu ⇢ My Tracks (https://traktrain.com/profile/#/tracks):
Choose 1 track of yours and click on the purple to edit it:
Enter the “asap rocky nov 23” (example) tag into the Track tags section and hit enter -> Save changes by clicking on the SCHEDULE/PUBLISH button (double-check if the changes are applied to the track after the publication). We will provide you with a certain tagline for each competition.
That’s it, you’re in! Good luck!
Thank you for your support. Stay tuned for new updates.
Best regards, TRAKTRAIN Team.